

L@s Voluntari@s

…Tú y yo 🌍 !!!

Durante todos estos años varias oleadas de voluntarios encarnaron en el Planeta… Esos voluntarios vinieron a transformar el entorno en el que vivimos, romper paradigmas, traer lo nuevo y transmutar.

Pero, ¿quiénes son esos voluntarios? Son seres que vinieron de varias partes del universo para servir en la transición planetaria.

¡Son los que levantaron la mano cuando se les preguntó quién quería ayudar al planeta Tierra!

¡Son ustedes, los que ahora leen o escuchan este texto! Sí tú.

Algunos se sienten desplazados, no encajan y extrañan un lugar que no saben dónde está.

¡Les encanta mirar las estrellas!

El ADN de todas las personas del planeta ya se está activando y eso impulsará a que despierten aquellos que aún no han descubierto su misión.

Muchos se preguntan ¿y cuál es la misión de un voluntario?

Y yo respondo: ¡Existir aquí, nada más! ¡La energía que emites es tan fuerte y tan poderosa que favorece el cambio en el mundo!

Si no encajas aquí, ¡es porque viniste a crear nuevas formas de existir!

¡No estás aquí para ser el mismo, estás aquí para transformarte!

¡En tu interior ya hay un modelo de un planeta maravilloso donde reinan el amor, la paz y la bondad y es esa energía la que trajiste aquí! ¡Siente el Amor que eres!

¡Muchos de nosotros ya no tenemos ganas de estar aquí y queremos irnos a casa, pero estás aquí con un propósito y cuando entiendas eso, te darás cuenta de la trascendencia de tu papel en el Todo!

¡No te desanimes pensando que no estás haciendo nada, porque sí lo estás haciendo! Cada uno tiene su papel, una pieza del rompecabezas. ¡Es algo sutil, pero muy importante por la energía que acumula y crea una transformación positiva para el mundo!

Y eso es lo que viniste a ser. ¡De eso se trata tu venida al planeta! ¡Sé quien viniste a ser! ¡Y no copies algo que está ahí! ¡Ser diferente es parte de tu origen cósmico!
¡De manera que disfruta y trae felicidad a tu vida!

¡Disfruta de la Naturaleza y de lo que te rodea!

¡Estás aquí para eso!

🔥 – tomado de redes sociales

… You and me 🌍 !!!

During all these years several waves of volunteers incarnated on the Planet…Those volunteers came to transform the environment in which we live, break paradigms, bring the new and transmute.

But who are those volunteers? They are beings that came from various parts of the universe to serve in the planetary transition.

They are the ones who raised their hands when they were asked who wanted to help planet Earth!

Perhaps, It’s you who are now reading or listening to this text !

Some of them feel displaced, they don’t fit in, and they miss a place even if they don’t know where it is.

They love to look at the stars!

The DNA of all the people on the planet is already being activated and that will encourage those who have not yet discovered their mission to wake up.

Many wonder what is the mission of a volunteer?

And I answer: Exist here, nothing more! The energy you emit is so strong and so powerful that it is able to change the world!

If you don’t fit in here, it’s because you came to create new ways of existing!

You are not here to be the same, you are here to be transformed !

Inside you, there is already a model of a wonderful planet where love, peace and kindness reign and it is that kind of energy that you can brought here! Feel the Love that you are!

Many of us don’t want to be here anymore and want to go home, but you are here for a purpose and when you will understand that, you will realize the importance of your role in the Whole!

Do not get discouraged thinking that you are not doing anything, because you are! Everyone has their role, a piece of the puzzle. This is something subtle, but very important because of the way it accumulates energy and creates a positive transformation for the world!

And that is why you came for. That’s what your arrival to the planet is about!

You know who you came to be ! And don’t copy something that is there !

Being different is part of your cosmic origin !
So, enjoy and bring happiness to your life !

Enjoy Nature and what surrounds you !

You are here for it!

🔥 – from Social Net

«I was super lucky to have Carlos as my first host!

He is an amazing person with a pure soul,warm heart and a beautiful smile. He is really respectful with all the volunteers, I stayed at his place for 3 weeks and it was a truly good experience . He is taking care of you , he respects your timetables and your space and he is there to help you with everything you need.

I was very glad to be part of the Balayo project. The place and the location of the finca are incredible, this project has so many potentials and Carlos is working hard to make them true. As soon as you are part of it you have the freedom to create and build with him everything you want.

The work is very easy because it doesn’t seem as work, is more than building and creating together, also Carlos makes you enjoy everything you do there!

The location of the finca is in a good place , far away from the city noises , just in a peaceful land surrounded by nature, but also easily accessible with the bus. You can follow many hiking trails or just explore the small villages of la Oratava valley from there.

Last but not least , Carlos has much knowledge of permaculture, biodynamics, Plocher technology and he is more than willing to share it with you. Also he is an open minded person, with many experiences and you can have very interesting conversations with him. He is very giving and he offers you delicious fresh fruits, vegetables and everything you need to cook.

Thank you Carlos for letting me be part of your project, for taking care of me, sharing your thoughts with me and for the total experience. I am looking forward to see Balayo as you plan it to be.

Your family and your friends are lucky to have you ! Big Hug!


«I would always go back to el finca de Balayo. Such a great experience to work for the project, it really felt like creating something special. Thank you Carlos, for making the work so relaxing and refueling! The finca is in a great location to go hiking or to visit La Orotava or Puerto de la Cruz.
Overall I would highly recommend :)»


«My experience with Carlos was very nutritious! The place is located up in the mountains, with amazing views to the atlantic ocean and the volcano Teide. I spent working 3-4 hours a day in a relaxing mood, and then I had plenty of time for reading, writing, meditate, play ukelele or just stare at the amazing views of the terrace. Carlos is a great host, he really knows how to receive people and make them comfortable, providing anything you’ll need, and also giving you the space you need. He’s very knowledgeble in permaculture, sustainable lilestyle, understanding the language of the nature and also the human being, you can learn lots of things from him. Also, he has 2 twin children (Tau and Aniel) who are truly pure creatures! I enjoyed a lot playing and laughing with them.

If you want to learn about yourself and nature, stay in a quite place enjoying the silence of the mountains and having a calm time in your life far from the crowd and hustle of the city, this is your place! Thanks Carlos for the experience!»


Mi experencia con Carlos fue genial. Es una persona maravillosa con una hermosa visión de la Vida. El tiene confianza y te da espacio para SER y haz lo que tu corazón desee. Un buen lugar para aprender sobre la permacultura en muchos niveles. A mi me gusta mucho que espacio para naturaleza silvestre: El bosque. Muchísimas gracías por la experencia Carlos! Siempre mantener el fuego encendido.

(Anja – Holand)

«Estuvimos dos semanas en el sitio y disfrutamos mucho del tiempo allí. El lugar tiene unas vistas preciosas, desde arriba se puede ver el pico del Teide y toda la Orotava (está bastante alto, llevad ropa de abrigo si vais en otoño/invierno!)

El proyecto tiene mucho potencial y una larga historia con corazón detrás. Carlos es muy gentil y cercano, totalmente apasionado por mantener el fueguito de la sostenibilidad, además de tener mucha experiencia y conocimientos que compartir… Si queréis disfrutar del norte de Tenerife, lo recomendamos!

Gracias Carlos por este tiempo y al Balayo por la familiar acogida 🙂

Leire y Luca (Esp-Ita)

Our experience here was simply perfect. Carlos welcomed us with open arms and taught us many things over our month long stay. Life there was relaxed but extremely interesting. We learned a lot about permaculture and a «no stress» lifestyle. We worked for approximately 4 hours a day (but this was flexible) and our tasks included- picking fruit..mostly apples but some pears and nectarines aswell, collecting herbs, clearing some weeds for vegetable growing, painting walls and making a compost toilet. Carlos gave us so much time and brought us to beautiful places on our days off. His twins are fantastic too!! We would highly recommend staying with Carlos, you will learn a lot and enjoy a lot too. Thank you to Carlos and Feli for a wonderful stay and welcoming us into your home. Excellent !!

Zöe & Charly (Irlanda)

Siamo stati per quasi tre mesi, abbiamo trovato molto più di un progetto, abbiamo incontrato persone meravigliose, uno stile di vita, uno scambio di conoscenze e interessi ma soprattutto un grandissimo rispetto per gli altri, se stessi, la natura e tutto quello che si fa. Siamo molto felici di questa esperienza e sicuramente torneremo🌼

Andrea & Beatrice (Italia)